If you have a dog, then I'm certain you know what it feels like to come home from a stressful day at work, have no idea what to make for dinner, find that your trash can lid is missing, and open the front door to a friend whose wagging tail and wet kisses make you forget all of those annoyances in an instant. Dogs really are man's best friend. And since our boy loves us unconditionally, we like to shower him with matching affection. He likes to run, loves to dig, and favors things that stink. With that said, we find that the open terrain, endless sandbox, and countless salty oyster shells of the beach are a perfect match for his preferences. So on a temperate Saturday in March, we showed our pup some love and loaded him up in the Jeep for a beach excursion. Here are some of the highlight photos from our care-free beach hour with the Roon.